"Over a thousand people from nearby villages gathered at the shooting spot to meet Trisha when we shot at Zaheerabad. This happened on all the four days of the shoot and just ten of us had to control the crowd," the film's director Govi told IANS.
Amazed at the fan-base Trisha enjoys as a star, the director was equally surprised that everybody in the crowd behaved themselves.
"Nobody tried to gatecrash. They just gathered to watch Trisha and the shoot. It so happens that it was the first time a film crew had gone to shoot in that place, so it doubled the excitement of the locals," he said.
Nearly 60 percent of the film has already been completed and the team will soon start a month-long schedule in Hyderabad.
The latest addition to the cast is actress Poonam Kaur.
"She plays an important guest role. Poonam is a very talented actress and she was apt for this character," said Govi adding that she has already shot for her part.
Also starring Ganesh Venkatraman, Sentrayan and Rajesh, the film has music by Raghu Kunche, and will also mark the debut of Trisha's singing career.