Rajinikanth in his latest speech hailed Ilayathalapathy Vijay's Puli for its visual brilliance and even claimed that the film is on par with Hollywood standards. No the Superstar wasn't exaggerating, for Puli is a film to be experienced just for its visuals.
When I sat down in a theatre (with high resolution display), I couldn't believe I was watching a Tamil movie made just over a budget of 100 crore rupees. Such was the visual quality of this film; sleek, dazzling and awe-inspiring.
Yes, the film did not live up to its pre-release hype and expectations nor did it have a scintillating screenplay. But, Puli would've been a different film altogether had it not accumulated tons of hype and hoopla prior to its release.
In fact, the film might've attracted serious panegyrics for its neatly executed VFX and CG works. From minute graphics like the severed hand of Prabhu to the intimidating edifices of 'Vedhala Kotai' , Puli was a visual treat right from the word go.
Not to mention creatures like the black jaguar, the huge tortoise and the one-eyed monster. Honestly, I have not seen any other Indian movie possessing these type of fictional characters with such effectuality.
Perhaps, less expectations from Puli would've helped us realize the film's visual brilliance. But, in this case, it can be safely said that expectations did kill the cat.